Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kids will be kids....

We spent the first half of our day at Mankranso Sr. High, meeting with students who were preparing to take their Geography Exams. Before we could interact with the kids or see their facilities we had to have another formal ceremony where we were announced, addressed and asked our mission. After speaking to our intent for creating this partnership, we presented them with a school flag which seemed to make them all very excited and happy. The meeting was closed with a prayer and then we were set free to interact with the students. Our conversations began with them introducing themselves and sharing their favorite subjects with us, along with why they liked the particular subject. One young lady said, "I like science because you get to explore the universe and everything in it." Their was another young man who was so inquisitive, with great questions; he is also one of the 35 pen-pals that will continue with written exchanges. We talked about a variety of topics, such as: corporal punishment in schools, which they do practice; the importance of women being married by their 30s in their culture (it is considered a disappointment to family if you are not); beliefs around monogamy; the academic achievement of HPISD students; what can we (Americans) learn from them (Ghanaians); the difference between equity and equality; and much more. It is so great to have such rich conversations with young minds. I love my job!

We then went to work with primary and junior high school aged kids, at a school we had not been to yet; these kids were so astute. With each new day my belief that we are more alike then different is proven over and over again. They are kids just like our kids: eager to learn, polite and well-mannered, diverse in their interest, kind and family-like, and basically very happy.

As I met each child and attempted to pronounce all names, they shared with me their dreams. Just like all kids they have dreams: their interests varied from a nurse, doctor, to teacher, minister, soldier, football player, and even a president. We discussed... what student leadership teams do (they think and they act); what it is they thought about their school; what they wanted for themselves and their fellow students; and what actions they think would help them to accomplish their goals. Here are their words summed up: They like going to school because they have nice teachers who help them to learn and see things. They think students should be respectful, kind, learners, obedient, etc. If they could do anything for their school they would add more learning. In order to add more learning they voted to each try studying one extra hour (outside of school) next week. They will meet again next week to see if they think it helped and was enjoyable; if so, they will try to influence their peers to do the same. It was such a great day working with fun loving kids, just like the ones we are blessed to work with each day (HPISD).

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